
游戏分类: 动作冒险
游戏标签:视觉小说 剧情丰富 自选历险 爱情 休闲
语言版本:中文 英文


我想要拥抱那只鳄鱼|I Wani Hug that Gator|v1.7.0|官方英文|780M插图1跳跳游戏网


Wait, what do you mean we’re moving?!

Just great; just when Inco was getting ready to move on into his Senior year, his parents decide to uproot his life and move half-way across the country!

Guess it’s time to start all over. Sure, Inco didn’t have many friends (or any) back at his old school, and sure, he was so low on the social ladder that he had to get a deep-sea diving lesson…. Wait, why was he complaining about moving again?

I Wani Hug that Gator is a multi-ended, choices-matter visual novel about second chances and the power of accepting who you are. Shape how Inco makes the most of his final year, and how the relationships he makes along the way will develop. One relationship in particular has him feeling all fuzzy inside…

The Prehistoric Romance a Million-and-One Years in the making!

If there’s one good thing to come out of Inco’s sudden relocation, it’s Olivia. Bold and brash, Olivia seems particularly gifted in getting under Inco’s skin. No matter how Inco slices it, he and Olivia seem destined to go together like a particularly scaly sandwich. But the outcome of such a pairing is yet to be determined…

Wait, am I being graded on this?!

Make friends, reconcile enemies, and figure out how Inco could possibly repair his miserable excuse for a social life. But be warned: The choices you make expands the relationships with Inco’s classmates and determines which of the four unique endings you receive. Maybe Inco should’ve spent a little less time studying and a bit more time learning how to relate to people…



Implicit reference to drug use, including implied drug use, as well as incidents of accidental violence.



    • 操作系统 *: Windows 7 or higher
    • 处理器: 2.0 Ghz 64-bit Intel-compatible
    • 内存: 2 GB RAM
    • 显卡: OpenGL 3.0 or DirectX 11
    • DirectX 版本: 9.0c
    • 存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间

我想要拥抱那只鳄鱼|I Wani Hug that Gator|v1.7.0|官方英文|780M插图2跳跳游戏网

我想要拥抱那只鳄鱼|I Wani Hug that Gator|v1.7.0|官方英文|780M插图3跳跳游戏网

我想要拥抱那只鳄鱼|I Wani Hug that Gator|v1.7.0|官方英文|780M插图4跳跳游戏网

我想要拥抱那只鳄鱼|I Wani Hug that Gator|v1.7.0|官方英文|780M插图5跳跳游戏网

我想要拥抱那只鳄鱼|I Wani Hug that Gator|v1.7.0|官方英文|780M插图6跳跳游戏网
